Sunday, June 7, 2009

Tara Turns Two...

This Thursday my daughter will officially be two, and I am just not ready. There's no way of going about it. SHE is not old enough to be two.

In the past month, she had really grown up. She is speaking fuller than full sentances, she has mastered "I" vs "You", though she still gets caught up with verbs (like "I are"). She has switched from "needing" everything, to "need wanting" some things, "needing" others. She is drinking from a big girl cup, has all but mastered the art of cutlery, and hates getting her hands dirty!

She can dance, and run, and jump. She can stand on one foot (WITHOUT help, though it doesn't last long, of course!) She climbs on everything, walks backwards around the house, and insists on doing things by herself!

But she's really not old enough to be two!!

1 comment:

  1. I am SO totally stealing "need wanting"!!
    For example, I really need want this awesome dress at Superstore!!
