Wednesday, December 9, 2009


So it was bad enough to get the hints from Christy and Amanda that I didn't update this nearly enough (well, I guess conversations starting with "If you ever updated your blog..." or "Hey Erie, did you know that the last time you updated your blog was..." aren't really hints, are they?) But now my "cyber-hip" Kate flat out called me out on her blog today... So I will update ;) (Yes ladies, call me out in person, meh. Call me out in cyberspace, and I will respond!)

What's new in my world? We've been gearing up for the holidays! The house is decorated, the presents are bought and wrapped (except for Greg's... I have no idea what to get that man!) and I actually know what we're doing when for each day of the holidays to celebrate with each family member :) Every morning Tara reminds me to "turn on Christmas" (the lights) and she's really excited about the tree and everything.

It's nice because at this age she still has no clue what's going on, but she can retain so much more. She doesn't know that the gifts under the tree are much more than pretty packages wrapped in bright paper, that they're toys and things for her to play with. She doesn't know who Santa is other than the iconic bearded man in the red suit. She doesn't have a wishlist, and I can even get away with shopping for her Christmas gifts WITH her (a luxury that I'll definately miss when it's gone!) We're trying to keep emphasis on Jesus's Birthday (though that has lead to confusion conversations of who's birthday is when) and we're building traditions for our happy little family :) I'm REALLY excited for Christmas this year!

I must end this update with one of my favorite Tara-isms to date... No, I lie - I have 2.

First is from Greg. He took Tara shopping about a month back to "Old Maybe" because they were having a huge sale on men's sweaters. As he was trying them on (just over his shirt) Tara kept ooo-ing and ahh-ing and exclaiming "That so cute!!". She apparently also sorted through the lower racks of hanging clothes stating "That cute! Oh, that not my size. That not on sale." ... BUSTED!

Second is from last week... Tara was waiting at the front door for me as we were getting ready to go somewhere. After a failed attempt of opening the front door (it was still locked), she turned to me and shrugged, stating "Probably I can't open the stupid door because it's stuck"... BUSTED again!!

1 comment:

  1. lol Tara ratted you out! I love that she tells you to turn on Christmas. :sappy:
