Thursday, November 4, 2010


Is it Christmas yet? Now? How about now?

I am one of those annoying people with their lights up in October (though, in my defense, you need to get them done early with the winters we have! And we don't turn them on yet... Mostly because Greg won't let me...) I squeal at the first Christmas commercial of the season (not because I enjoy the commercialism of the season, but because I like the songs, and the reminder that Christmas is, infact, just around the corner). I love the twinkling lights, the decorations, and the music. I love the snow (when I don't need to go anywhere), the coziness, and the warmth. I LOVE gift-giving. I have an incredible craft-list for family this year that I'm so excited to work on! And most of all I love the "meaning of the season" - I love the opportunity to celebrate Jesus, and God's gift of salvation to us. I love hearing the story of Mary and Joseph and singing Christmas carols in a packed church with my family and friends.

So... Is it Christmas yet?

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you sweetie! We got our first Christmasy flyer in the mail the other day and I was practically vibrating with excitement! Week and half until I get to decorate!!!! :D
