Tuesday, February 8, 2011

When the "Transitioning" Become the "Transitioned"...

I'm officially coming out of the closet. At least here. I don't know exactly who reads this or how often, so this is kinda a big deal, but it's a smaller deal than let's say facebook or the entire world.

I'm a lactation consultant.

That's right. I wrote my exam. I am officially an IBCLC. I have an official card and pins and everything. And a certificate. That's right. I have a piece of paper and a PLASTIC card (no paper nonsense like my RN membership) with my full name on it. And 2 metal pins. All of them say that despite my procrastination and baby-brain and 2 children, I did over 1000 practicce hours, 75 hours of education, and passed a day-long exam and have now joined the ranks of International Board Certified Lactation Consultants. I could be hired at a hospital, have my own private practice, or work with doctors, midwives, or doulas.

But I am in hiding, mostly.

Why am I hiding? Because it feels safer. Because while this is a passion of mine, and a longterm dream, I think it's easier to not acknowledge it. At least not yet.

I look at other lactation consultants that I know (both with formal and informal training, both with formal and informal titles) and they're SO knowledgeable and SO smart. And I know all of my shortcomings, and I know all the things I don't know.

But I also understand that I will always be learning, and I will always be growing, and it takes time and practice to become who I see these other women as. And now, I'm just as qualified to do the job as any of them.

So I'm out of the closet. But don't tell your friends. At least not yet ;)


  1. You're fabulous, get over it! :D <3

  2. Being more knowledgeable has nothing to do with being more "smart". It's all about taking the time to learn and stay updated! Don't you look down upon yourself- you are every bit as intelligent and capable as they are (and in my opinion, even more so). Love you.

  3. Oh Captain Common Sense, I look forward to the day you are promoted to Admiral! ;) Thank you so much for the words of encouragement - on here, and every time we talk!
