Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Movin' On Up!

**So in reality I started this really awesome blog post on my thoughts on motherhood, inspired by Mother's Day, and countless conversations with countless friends, but I'm still writing it. Unfortunately between work, an online lactation conference, countless sewing projects, and (oh yeah) KIDS, I don't have the time to do it justice yet. But it's coming, I promise**

We built a house in the year before we got married. We moved Hubby in September of 2004, and then in January, when we got married, I moved in. We built the house as our "5 year plan". We planned on buying bigger and better (and in a more ideal location) once we were settled into our careers, and basically once we had more money. We were both just graduating from university at the time.

We're now on year 7, and Princess starts school in a year! It's time to put up or shut up. In reality, it's not the end of the world to move while she's in school, but we've been talking about this for so long it's time to go. Almost everything in our lives happen in the other end of the city - we are driving there at least 3 times a week. We want to move closer to family, friends, and church.

We're getting realtors in to give us quotes and advice (we're still in the process of finishing the basement), and we're looking at listing anytime between this November, and next March (depending on the market, and when we get renos done). We're going in to meet with the bank after Hubby's next trip (that's right, he leaves again pretty soon for another week-long work trip, but that's a whole other post!) and see what we qualify for, and we're starting to browse MLS and coming up with our wishlist and listing priorities - we like the style of new-built homes, but we want a larger plot of land, so we're talking about what to compromise and how.

I am far too sentimental for all this stuff though... Hubby moved about 7 times before he came to the city for University (and has since lived in 3 different places within the city). I have moved 3 times. I lived in one house until I was 5, moved to the house my dad currently still lives in, moved out to an apartment for the year before I got married, and then moved into this house.

This is the house we built oursleves (well, not OURSELVES ourselves, but we picked out every aspect from carpet to light fixtures to placement of electrical outlets, and visited the worksite every week to watch it grow) the house we first occupied as newlyweds, and the house we brought our BABIES home from!! Princess' room is decorated with murals that Hubby painted just for her, and Tobes has a beautiful tree just for him. I have videos of Princess' first steps in the livingroom, and of Tobes crawling down the hallway at lightening speed.

I'm really excited for what the future has for us. I'm really excited for more space, and a new adventure in a new neighborhood. I just might need to take a bazillon pictures between now and then so that we never forget this house ;)

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