Monday, April 25, 2011

"On Vacation"

Sophie left yesterday to go to Greg's brother's for a "vacation"...

No, this is not a "went to the farm" thing, she didn't pass away, and it is a temporary thing.

My poor pup. The reality is we had more than enough time and love and care for her when we got her. We really did. Even with working fulltime our evenings and weekends were spent walking and playing with her, and she was our little puppy.

But with each child she has slowly started to regress. Nothing too major, but it was harder and harder to call her, she was stealing food, and just not listening anymore. She was jumping up on everyone, and barking at night. And it got to a point where Greg gave up, and I couldn't do it all on my own. And between the kids and Greg's travels, it was just too much to handle.

Greg's brother has 2 other dogs, and he's happy to have her while we all take a break. She'll get to play with her "cousins", and get walked and groomed and petted and played with as much as she wants. And we'll have a chance to take a break and actually miss her (though he's promised to bring her over whenever he comes over for dinners or BBQs during the summer). And hopefully in a few months she can come home again.

I'm trying to view this as a good thing. I'm trying to remember that it's not perminant, we didn't see this coming when we had kids, and that she'll be ok. That this is what's best for her. But it still sucks.

I miss my Sophie.

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