Monday, September 5, 2011

Well Articulated...

My daughter is many things. My daughter is intelligent, hilarious, adorable, and beautiful. And of course I'm biased. I'm her mommy, and I'm incredibly proud of her (most of the time). I hope most people who meet here agree, but not everyone might.

But ultimately one thing that I think pretty much anyone who has ever met her (and those who even haven't but have heard stories) can agree on is that she is one well-articulated little girl. Very rarely do I have any issue knowing what she is thinking or how she feels.

I don't get told that she "hates" me, and she doesn't even call me yucky anymore (those with toddler/preschoolers know what I'm talking about!) Instead she tells me that if I continue to tell her to stop/be quiet/etc., that it will "make [her] mad" or "make [her] mad at me", and that she "doesn't like it". She will yell and scream, but generally it's about how she's feeling, and how she wants me to stop whatever I'm doing (correcting her behavior, sending her to time out, taking away a toy, etc).

And I'm actually ok with that... Don't get me wrong, I hate the attitude - it's a constant struggle to correct her behavior while being respectful of her feelings and her needs, but I am kind of proud that when she's angry, she can articulate it so well. She can tell me EXACTLY what's wrong, and EXACTLY how she feels.

She is one well-articulated little girl.

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