Friday, August 27, 2010

Feelin' Old... Or Grown Up, at Least ;)

I just finished filling out the form for my daughter to start Irish Dance. I danced for about 10 years, and it's only been about 5 since I quit, and now I'm registering my daughter. Same school and everything. I'm going to be one of those moms out in the hallway. Maybe I should take up knitting? Or crochet. I can't believe I'm going to be a dance mom. I'm not OLD enough to be a dance mom*!!

I'm so excited :) I'm so excited for her first class (which reminds me, I need to get her black shorts!) I'm so excited to buy her first pair of shoes (as far as I know, her feet are still too small for real soft shoes, so I imagine she'll wear black ballet slippers in the meanwhile). Oh my goodness, I'm so excited (and nervous!) for the first time I have to try to curl those long locks! I remember how long it took my mom to do my hair, and it was nowhere near as long as her hair is!!

I'm excited to help her practice (I've been trying to get back into dancing as well), and for her very first competition.

I'm gonna be a dance mom*! Eee!!

* Don't worry. This isn't one of those "trying-to-relive-my-youth-through-my-daughter" things. I'm gonna be a cool dance mom. I'm going to support her, not force her.

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