Friday, August 26, 2011

Remembering What Matters Most...

It's kind of funny that this post follows one on my undomestication. And that I'm still working on my "New House Resolutions".

But I have had the day from hell.

Well, that's not entirely true. It's been a difficult day. It hasn't been impossible - the kids are (mostly) happy, and I had a few laughable moments (like finding an entire roll of toilet paper in the toilet... cardboard tube and all). But it's been a trying day.

I made the decision yesterday that today would be my day at home. Today I would catch up on laundry, I would do some baking, Princess and I would craft, and Tobes would get all the sleep he needed! I decided that I would continue on my journey to pack the house (28 days until possession!!!!!!!! GACK!!) and would be little Suzy Homemaker.

Until that all fell apart.

Tobes woke up 2 hours earlier than he should have, which meant that Princess woke up about an hour earlier as well (I can't wait until the bedrooms and the play room are on entirely different levels!) I spent an hour convincing Tobes to take his morning nap, and his afternoon nap didn't happen at all. Baking happened, sort of, only as a result of SHEER WILL and total cravings of meat buns (for my Ukrainian friends, think perishky). ONE load of clothes got washed, but I totally missed my opportunity to sun out some stains on several items. And not a single item was packed.

Instead I spent the day couch-bound, nursing a miserably tired Tobes, and reading to Princess, who was slightly bored after her exciting day yesterday (we had her friend birthday party at the zoo). And I was super-annoyed. I had such big plans for the today. I wanted to get so much done today. I didn't want to spend the day on the couch, I actually had the energy and drive to get stuff done!!

But at the end of the day, I realize that my "ruined" plans were ultimately all for them. I want to be a better homemaker for my children. I want to bake for them, and have nice, unstained clothes for them, and we're moving because our new house is far better than this one for them. And my plans were derailed today for their sake. 

Of course I still want to improve my housekeeping habits, but I need to learn to chillax when my schedule needs to be cleared for a day of snuggles...

1 comment:

  1. Fairy Godmother to P and TNovember 5, 2011 at 9:24 PM

    You are, in my humble opinion, a WONDERFUL mother - just thought you should know!
