Friday, April 15, 2011

Little Miss Independant

I love her, I really do, but along the lines of Not Ready, I'm not ready for this independant phase.

This morning it was over what to have for breakfast. Usually she gets 2 options. She wanted neither. I stood firm, she told me I wasn't going to tell her what to do, and instead she was going to tell me what to do...

Le sigh.

It's a fine balance. The stubborn redhead in me wants to go all "No you didn't!" on her, but the parent in me is seeing that this is the stage where she starts to flex those independant muscles. She's in the "Initiative vs. Guilt" stage according to Erikson, where children begin asserting control and power over the environment. This is the time for Princess (an appropriate nickname right now! *lol*) to develop a sense of initiative and security. I want to nourish her ability to make decisions and take the lead. At the same time too, it is still my responsibility to guide her behavior and help her to learn what is and is not appropriate in relationships with others, and as a member of society. It's a time for me to pick my battles, all while maintaining appropriate "control" over the situation (and by "picking battles" and "control", I hope you understand what I mean.)

I recieved a book forever ago from a friend entitled "Christian Parenting & Child Care". I tucked it away, not thinking (my baby was... a BABY at the time, and I was overwhelmed with baby things), but then a few months ago a friend brought out her copy during a conversation we were having. I made mention I had the same book, but had brushed it aside, until my friend pointed out that it was by none other than my beloved Dr William Sears! *lol* I didn't even know it at the time!! So I've pulled out the book now and have promised myself that I will take the opportunity and time to read it through! I have not read nearly as much to prepare for this stage as I intended. (an unfortunate side-effect when much of her infancy was spent with me studying for my IBCLC) There are a few other books I want to gather from the library and read to equip myself with

In the meantime, I will continue to laugh, cry, be proud, and occasionally embarassed (though mostly proud. She's pretty awesome) by Little Miss Independant.

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