Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I Watch REALLY Bad TV...

I eluded to it in a previous post, but part of my new year's resolution is to stop watching bad reality TV.

I'm addicted. To horrible television. Seriously. I don't watch it in front of the littles, but I'll have it on in the background while I'm working at the computer, after they've gone to bed, or before they wake up. I have stopped watching Toddlers and Tiaras (I have, honestly), but TLC's other goodies like "Geek Love" and "Virgin Diaries" are tempting. But my biggest weakness is for "The Real Housewives" and all it's franchises. It's voyeuristic to see how "the other side" lives, and a guilty pleasure. It's amazing to see all their fancy clothes, the amazing houses (that's what really gets me!), the cars, the jewelery, and the trips. There is plastic surgery and botox galore, especially in the OC and Beverly Hills shows, and everyone is addicted to work, business deals, and starting new business ventures (which seems to happen especially in the second seasons, as fame grows I assume). Lavish parties are thrown, and it's all about who you know. It's amazing how many people have "dear friends" in the entertainment industry, in the hottest restaurants, or in the hotel business. In a sick way, it's also almost reassuring to watch how more money seems to lead to more problems - the bankruptcies, the short-sells, the tabloids, and the drama. You watch the strong personalities clash as you figure out the different cliques, think of who is in the wrong, and pick sides in every situation. I get caught up in the drama and the catfights and deceit and betrayal, and sadly I could even relate some of the situations, though thankfully I haven't had my hair pulled since my brother was a toddler...

It's just a waste of energy, and time, and I don't need it! So I'm starting with cutting out The Real Housewives of New Jersey (the cattiest of all, I think), and will go from there :) It's also baby steps into going more TV-free. I doubt I'll ever actually stop watching TV, I love it too much, but between Project Domestication, the littles getting bigger and playtime with them changing, and even just having a different house with a bigger backyard, a crafting room, etc, when I do watch TV, it's time to choose better shows! I went through a period where I needed to rid my real-life of all the drama, why shouldn't I rid my TV-life as well? ;)

So here's to a TV-free-er 2012!!

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