Friday, January 6, 2012

Project Domestication

I'm not looking to become a Stepford Wife, but I need a little work...
So you may or may not notice a new tab at the top of my blog! I've launched a new blog, "Project Domestication". Remember how I was talking about new house resolutions, well this is where I'm hoping to track them and my progress. I'll still post in here, don't worry - I want to keep the other blog solely for my new house resolution. At this moment, I can't figure out how to get the tab to work (it's supposed to be linked to my new blog), but in the meantime, feel free to click on the link in this post, and have a look-see! Please post comments, or helpful tips if you have any! Or simply cheer me on as I continue on my quest for domestication!


  1. Saw this & thought of you.
    Check it out, it looks great!

  2. Awesome! I'm heading there now!
