Thursday, June 9, 2011

Baby Steps

I promise myself I will remember this moment when they're teenagers and annoying the crap out of each other (and me)
Tobes has started to walk more than crawl now. He's cruising. He's moving from one piece of furniture to the other (walking hands-free inbetween), from one person's leg to another, and standing around just watching Princess play. This is brand new as of this week, and pretty fantastic to watch.

It's amazing to watch the transition Tobes is going through from crawling to walking. Though even now, he prefers to walk holding onto our fingers, and I usually have to pry my fingers from his grasp for him to walk on his own. He stops for a minute and looks back at me before taking the tentative step on his own.

But this post isn't about him... It's about me!

I have been cruising the metaphorical furniture in my career so far. It's been comfortable. I don't need to go to the center of the room, I am good right here hanging out between the couch and the coffee table. But I see those arms beckoning me away. They're JUST out of my reach, and if I stumble, they might not catch me in time.

And I don't yet realize that the middle of the room is where it's at, and beyond that there are HUGE applications for this newly acquired skill. I can walk to the middle of the room, I can walk back. I can walk with the big kids, and sometimes walking leads to running, and then watch out!!

But to picture myself running at this point is impossible. There are too many things to do, too many things to learn. And that's when I get overwhelmed, and cling to my safe, comfortable couch...

Baby steps, Erie. Baby steps.

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