Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

My amazing Husband, with my amazing kids!
Thank you to Jordan Verlage for the awesome photo!
An article was recently shared with me on facebook from, entitled "A father's day wish: Dads, wake the hell up!" and after reading it (please take the chance - it's a really great article), I spent the afternoon of Father's Day in reflection... ("the afternoon" because I was working that morning. Hubbyman spent his Father's Day waking up with the kids, cooking pancakes with Princess, and then loading them into the car to go shopping and have Dad-day at the mall... then he cooked me dinner. Because he is awesome like that).

I have always wanted to be a SAHM (stay-at-home-mom, for those not in the know). I have always wanted to be a wife and mother. I am proud to be a nurse, but I must admit that a slight part in the decision-making process as I looked at university programs had to do with being able to work at an amazing career part-time while I reared my brood. Something I could put on hold while the babies were little, and be able to build upon as the children became more independent/started school. And I have to admit an exciting bonus of doing private practice lactation consulting is being able to tailor at least some of my schedule to work around my family.

In my dreams to be a SAHM, I wanted to find a man with similar values. But beyond that, I wanted to find a man who was excited about being a daddy, and about raising our children together. My desire to stay at home meant I needed a breadwinner, but I didn't want someone who thought that breadwinning was his only job. I wanted a daddy for my children. I wanted someone who had an opinion on parenting styles (hopefully that matched mine!!), and who was willing to be an active parent and partner.

And I struck gold with Hubbyman. He works every day at his 8-5 job, and he's also been known to work extra to bring in extra for our family's treats. But after working his 8-5 job, he has helped me out with dinner (especially in Princess and Tobes's early days), helped tidy up the house, and he has also played with the kidlets and put them to bed (even when I've been home). He wakes up with them on the weekend, and lets me sleep in. He plays with them for hours, has done Princess's nailpolish, and has had tea parties with her. He takes Princess on special dates, and takes Tobes for walks so I can sleep or rest, or go out for coffee with friends.

Has he worked hard already at work? Yup. Does he wake up eariler than me to go to work? Roger that. Is his job outside the house easier than mine inside the house? I'd say we're comparing apples to oranges with that one. It depends on the day! But this is a man who takes his job as Daddy just as serious as his "paid gig". We talk about how to approach each new stage with Princess (she being the oldest), and we marvel in Tobes's newfound personality. He is just as much the decision-maker in how we parent as much as I am.

And I couldn't ask for any more, or any better. Some day our babies are going to be old, and hopefully some day they're going reflect back on these days and remember all the special times they have shared with their father.

So to my wonderful husband, the father and daddy of my children, the one who let me nap yesterday afternoon, and who cooked me a lovely roast dinner tonight. To the man who is STILL Princess's favorite parent, and who's voice can make Tobes stop in his tracks when he hears you at the back door... To an amazing man, Happy Father's Day!!

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